Using Slots |
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Slots are the inputs and outputs of programming blocks. Slots have specific characteristics that enable them to function properly. Slots fall into one of the following categories: Digital ► Digital slots can have values of True, False, or Null. Numeric ► Numeric slots can have values ranging from -3.4×1038 to +3.4×1038, and can also have a Null value. Integer ► Integer slots have integer values, that is, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. The Integer values range from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. Integers have no fractional part. If written as a decimal, the value to the right of the decimal point would always be zero.
▪Numerical slots are denoted by an asterisk: * ▪Integer slots are denoted by a hash mark: # ▪Digital slots are denoted by an ampersand: @ Also see: Slot Formatting |